BugsWars Plus qvga,hvga,wvga

Stop destroying the Earth’
Bugwars is a shooting defense that should defense human from evil bug aliens.
* Caution : do not inattention the aliens although they are cure.
They are eviler than mosquitoes and more severer than ants# Game Missions
- Normal Mission : Defense human from enemies attack for waves!!
- Bombing Mission : Defense human until bombers arriving.
- Boss Mision : A giant Boss! An Intelligent Boss! Kill them All!!!
# Item(Cargo Planes drop the items with parachutes for sometimes)
- Stun : Aliens can’t act for a while
- Medical Kit : Human’s stamina gets better
- Power Up! : All weapons power increased by 30%
- Full ammo : Fill up the bullet of all weapons
# Get coins as many as possible when playing game, and upgrade your weapons.
# You can take many coins if human get hurt less
# if you attack human, they will move very slowly.. caution!
# you clear all Rookie Level, you can enjoy Veteran Level.

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Bugwars Plus apk

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