Top 8 Must have Android Apps for Music Lovers
Mobile phone, basically it was a device for making voice calls, but today most of the smart phone users do everything other than making calls.
For those who love to listen to music in their Android powered devices, here I present you the Top 8 Android applications available on Google Play which is only for you.
1. NodeBeat
NodeBeat, a wonderful Android application which lets you to create your own music in minutes or easily record and share with your friends.
2. Last FM
It’s the official android app of Last.Fm which helps you to know about your favorite artists and it even helps you to track the events nearby. For US, UK and Germany residents the app builds a perfect playlist of their favorite artists.
3. Reactable
Reactable, allows you to create and improvise music in a visual way. Not only it allows to create music, it also enables you to remix songs.
4. DoubleTwist
DoubleTwist is a Free Android music application which helps you to download music of various artists legally. This Android App can even sync your music from iTunes over USB or WiFi. It creates a smartest playlist just for you.
5. Audiotool sketch
AudioTool Sketch enables you to sequence sounds using emulators of three different classic devices. You just require an Android device and any dual core PC.
6. UberMusic
UberMusic is an Android music player which is highly customizable with lot of features. Change the entire looks of this android app using wide range of Skins which is available on Google Play.
7. Spotify
Spotify an online radio service which is free in US but rest of the world need to pay for it. Using this android app you can discover music and save them on go. Spotify gives you access to millions of Songs.
8. Project M
Project M is regarded as the most advanced music visualizer available on Google Play. This android app can visualize any kinds of music with its stunning graphics it makes the music more enjoyable. Even you can use it as live wallpaper. A music lover will definitely love this app.