Sixaxis Controller android app apk free download
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Sixaxis Controller is an emulator app for android. Download Sixaxis Controller v0.6.5 android application and install your android tablet or mobile phone. Play game with Sixaxis Controller, control your game with psp joystick.
Sixaxis Controller Android App Features:
- Up to four Sixaxis and DualShock 3 controllers supported at once.
- Support as a native gamepad in Android 3.1+ devices. Full support for analog sticks and analog triggers.
- Keyboard emulation. Map all buttons and sticks to almost any key available in Android. Mouse emulation. Configure a button to activate the mouse pointer on devices that support mice (most tablets, and many phones should work).
- Touch emulation allows you to map buttons and analog sticks to the screen. Play all your favourite games with full analog support, even those without built-in controller support!