SuperSU Pro v1.60 Apk full download

SuperSU Pro v1.60 Apk full download
Requirements: < / b> 2.1 and up
SuperSU provides advanced management root access rights all applications on your device to root. SuperSU was built from the ground to fight against a number of problems with other tools for root access
management . ! SuperSU requires a rooted device

Features :
< UL style = "text -align : left; "> root access superuser access logging notifications root access Per -app notification Configuration Unroot temporary detection process in depth ( not more unknown ) recovery work (no more segmentation faults )
work when Android is not properly initialized Work with locations unexploded standard Trusts ADB connection < li Points> still ghost Wake fashion are invited The Pro version offers more < / b >
operating style = "text- align: left; "> OTA survival mode ( without warranty ) full color coded control content (input / output / error ) Per -app logging configuration Per- user override app PIN protection sUPERUSER
This is to replace as root (if installed ), you must use one or the other . You can not combine . Statements that it breaks root are completely absurd
NOTICE: . < / Div > A SPECIAL PROCEDURE is needed for uninstall. IF YOU do not not like the APP , not * just * UNINSTALL , ** YOU WILL LOSE ROOT. ;-)
Added SELinux compatibility Application ( new ROM SGS4 ) fixed ( newer) versions MCG asking questions that break root if you answered incorrectly fixed a problem with TWRP / CWM binary installer Fixed 4.3 OTA survival loop ;-)
More info : < b > Google Play < / b>
Download here: Zipp - apk < / b>
Screenshots : Let's look!!

Note < / b >
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