Dsoid v1.9.7 Apk for Android – This is the first Nintendo DS emulator for Android with a dynarec. Right now the NDS emulator is in beta so there are many bugs and it runs slow.
How to play Dsoid
- Save your roms in the SD card and launch Dsoid. You will see a black screen showing the stuff in your device. This is the built in file explorer. Use the file explorer to navigate to your roms and select a rom to start playing! The touch button at the middle top of your screen enable/disable on screen control buttons.
- Other functions to be added
- Save States
- Save files do work however. So you can save during the in
- save points, but you can’t pause the game and create a
- save state
- Microphone
- Sound

Download Dsoid 1.9.7 (v1.9.7) android
Dsoid 1.9.7 (v1.9.7)