FolderMount [Root ] v2.1.1 APK- move game data files on the external SD card in Android

FolderMount [ ROOT ] android app allows you to move the data files to external SD card game . Today, some applications store large files on the internal SD card (for example , games, podcasts, RSS offline content , photos, videos , software for offline browsing ) . Generally, users have a small internal sd card size (~ 16GB ), while the external SD is much larger ( ~ 32 -64GB ) . Most of these applications for users to download from the Play Store backup their application data in the internal SD card by default and does not have the ability to use the external SD card to store data so that they die of hunger internal memory of your SD card . FolderMount is the solution to this problem. This application has the ability to link the records in your internal SD card on file in your external SD and populating internal sdcard files with content that actually exists in the external card. This allows us to space and have multiple games / applications with large data stored simultaneously without having to uninstall . For Nexus devices without external sdcard , this application should help files link to a USB flash drive for example. ROOT is required. Without it , the application will not run .

FolderMount Features :

  • internal installation files for SD card files external SD .
  • move the contents of internal ' when an external torque is then added. ( Prompt dialog )
  • Support for Android 2.3 to 4.3 .
  • Holo theme throughout and an intuitive GUI design .
  • will check the state of SD card support and back if necessary.
  • Howto
  • Add a pair of record. Source is the internal sdcard and your destination is extSdCard
  • After adding FM will move to the files for you. Click Yes .
  • Wait until the move operation is done then click PIN. If PIN turns green, you 're all set.
  • files exist in both the source and destination after installation. What is expected and what is normal. The files that you see on your internal SD card actually reside in your external SD card now and if you " detach " the pair , you will find that your internal SD card is empty again .

  • There are other applications that do the same functionality , but it is the first to bring you support for Android 4.2 Holo theme with application and an intuitive interface.
    Watch a video tutorial below:

    DownloadFolderMount [ ROOT]

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