How to use Android Phone as a webcam for PC

Webcams are useful for chatting with family, colleagues, or even a client. However, if you want a webcam right now and do not have an extra $ 40 to $ 80 laying around for one, why not use your Android device instead

use Android device as a webcam on your PC using the USB cable

. How to use Android Phone as a webcam for PC

This is the method of USB cable to use an Android device as a webcam
1) First the foremost things that you need to do is install the driver on your phone or PC to suit your PC, and then restart your PC. (I can not give all the drivers, but if you are not able to find the specific driver you phone , then follow this guide to install the universal driver or leave my forum name your device in the comments if possible, I will arrange the driver for your phone)

2) Download and install . USB webcam application on your Android smartphone

3) Now download and install the USB Webcam Desktop Client
4) Connect your phone to your computer via the USB cable and wait PC recognize the device
5) now run the desktop client USB Webcam (Please do not close the window Command Prompt command that opens automatically).

6) Now, start the USB Webcam Application application from your phone
Congrats!!! you are done , now you can start the program you want to use with webcam (eg, Windows Live Messenger, Skype, etc..)

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